Several proposed explanations exist for the link, including genetics, a person’s environment, and the brain mechanisms related to addiction and anxiety symptoms. If you already have an anxiety or panic disorder, you may be more likely to experience these symptoms after drinking alcohol. But alcohol can also trigger anxiety even if you don’t have an existing mental health issue. A form of psychotherapy called cognitive behavioral therapy can help you learn, through your own experience, that panic symptoms are not dangerous. Your therapist will help you gradually re-create the symptoms of a panic attack in a safe, repetitive manner.
It is very common for people who experience anxiety to self-medicate by consuming alcohol, which can offer a temporary fix. In fact, research suggests that around 25% of people with panic disorder also have an alcohol dependence. Panic attacks are episodes of extreme anxiety that typically last between 5 and 20 minutes. Someone who experiences multiple panic attacks for no apparent reason may have panic disorder, a form of anxiety. Using alcohol to cope with social anxiety disorder can be dangerous.
Does alcohol cause panic attacks?
If you are suffering from an alcohol use disorder and anxiety disorder, treating both disorders simultaneously at a qualified rehab facility can offer the necessary treatment toward a healthy recovery. If you feel you’re drinking more than you’d like or your alcohol use is making your depression symptoms worse, there are some things you can do. For some people, alcohol dependence can also cause social problems such as homelessness, joblessness, divorce, and domestic abuse. If you keep drinking a lot of alcohol, it can cause more problems and make your depression and anxiety worse over time. Once you’ve cut down your drinking (or stopped drinking altogether), keep going like this for a couple of weeks. Most people can expect to see an improvement in their anxiety symptoms in this time as the brain’s balance of chemicals and processes start to return to normal and you experience better quality sleep6.
These activities lessen the impact of stress and anxiety, and when you can weaken the effects of stress, you give your mind a better chance of regaining its own natural coping strength. Quitting alcohol can also lead to long term anxiety from extended withdrawal symptoms, known as protracted withdrawal. This type of anxiety can alcohol cause panic attacks should be controlled with proper coping tips and recommendations from your doctor. Suppose you drink regularly and reach a point where panic attacks have become routine. In that case, our medical professionals and psychiatrists are likely to suggest that this could signify a psychological dependency on drink.
Intense anxiety is very unpleasant and can cause anyone to drink.
For anyone living with alcoholism or alcohol anxiety disorders, it is best to seek treatment from a certified healthcare professional as soon as possible. It’s common for people with social anxiety disorder to drink alcohol to cope with social interactions. Doing this can lead to a dependence on alcohol during socializing, which can make anxiety symptoms worse. However, people with anxiety disorders frequently have intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Often, anxiety disorders involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks).
Hypersensitivity is when a person is so sensitive to changes in their body that they can’t help but notice and be affected by them. Every day most of us experience minor aches, pains, heart rhythm changes, and so on. Most people barely notice them, or pass them off as if they’re not important. Those with panic attacks are far more likely to notice them, and this may result in a flood of anxiety that can lead to a panic attack.
Panic Attacks Can Be Controlled
Talk to your doctor to decide which type of medication is best for you. Seek help from a mental health professional if you have anxiety. If you think you have a problem with alcohol, seek help from your doctor right away. Moderate drinking is not the same for all genders and age groups. In the United States, “moderate” typically refers to two drinks a day for adult men and one for women.
On another note, changes to one’s lifestyle may be enough to deal with or reduce anxiety in some cases – especially mild ones. Studies have also been carried out to support this fact, and according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, at least 7% of Americans have anxiety related to alcohol usage. Eventually, dependence needs more of a substance to get the same effects. Panic attacks may come on suddenly and without warning at first, but over time, they’re usually triggered by certain situations. You’ll soon start receiving the latest Mayo Clinic health information you requested in your inbox.